MasterClass in Building High Performance Organizations (5 Days)

“When you walk into a high-performance organization, you can feel the difference. Instead of just going through the motions, the people are energized. They are confident about their organization’s strategy and the changes that are occurring, rather than confused and resigned. They know what they are supposed to be doing and how that relates to the tasks of their colleagues.”

BCG – High-Performance Organizations – the secrets of their success – Sept 2011

Everyone can relate to this ideal. We have all worked for, visited, or traded with organizations where we know that they have something special.  This course will show you why these organizations are different and how you can create a route map to drive your own organization to become a ‘high performance culture.’

These organizations do not happen just by chance! Executive management in High Performance Organizations understands the different components that collectively deliver this type of energized culture, and they work hard and long to build and maintain it. High Performance Organizations excel in three key areas: ‘Motivation and Engagement’; ‘Clarity of Direction’ and ‘Skills to Execute’. This course will enable you to understand the components of a High Performance Organization, assess your gaps and build, execute and sustain the actions necessary to make the transformation.


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