Financial Analysis, Modelling & Forecasting
All managers need a thorough grasp of the principles of financial analysis together with modelling and forecasting to help them to manage their businesses appropriately. This three day interactive, case study based, seminar uses the knowledge and application of financial analysis, modelling and forecasting with the power of Excel to identify the strategic drivers that can dramatically enhance the value of your organisation.
Using Excel, delegates will learn how to master as well as apply and evaluate many of the tools and functions it provides. Consequently, you will come to understand what the numbers are revealing and be better able to make strategic and tactical decisions.
The seminar proceeds from financial analysis, including the determination of the cost of capital, methods of finding the benefit of capital projects to setting up and using financial and statistical models and concludes with learning and applying a series of forecasting techniques.
Participants will be given Excel templates for use during this session, which will be yours to keep. The power of Excel enriches the learning experience and enhances the seminar experience found when using only manual learning methods.