Managing the Logistics Infrastructure
Managing infrastructure and facilities like warehouse facilities, buildings, distribution networks, production plants, parking lots and landscaping become more and more flexible, complex and expensive. That is why Facilities Management is big business nowadays. It is one of the largest budget expenses and therefore one of the major sources of cost savings. However not at all costs, because facilities are a major asset too. This course shows you how to apply the Best Practices to organize and manage a facilities department as a successful “business within a business”. The goal is to operate and maintain the facilities in an effective and efficient way, in order to integrate function, people and place. The course is about finding the right balance between asset performance (functionality, availability, reliability, safety) and costs, about the right balance between operating and maintaining the facilities in-house or contracting it out.
Provide best practices, tools and a practical approach for taking facilities management to a higher level:
- Understand the basic elements of infrastructure and facilities management
- Assess the current state of the delegates’ facilities management process
- Learn what best practices are available and best suitable for implementation in the delegates’ organization
- Recognize the need of a proper operational & maintenance control center
- Understand how to draw up a (preventive) maintenance concept, based on risk
- Develop strategies to decide when and what to contract out
- Understand the different contract types and how to apply them
- To learn how to monitor performance and results
- To understand how a benchmark study can help in improving the process